Post 4 – Peer Review

In the last week, I have been reading some of my peers work, trying to find the blog post that catches more my attention, I decided to write my peer review on Olivia Andrews Post 2 – Themes Reflection on how the Better Lives lectures may change her way of working in the future. For me was really interesting to see a peer´s opinion related to the Better Lives themes within the actual situation of the world, and even more because she did a different better lives project than me and I founded interesting how she focuses on each theme.

I completely agree with Olivia in her second paragraph talking about how we are seen during these weeks the impacts of the consequences of the poor social responsibility of the industry putting humans’ lives at risk. We should take the actual global problem as a lesson to improve the social responsibility of each industry. As well in the third paragraph, she reflects in a very interesting way about that how the planet is recovering from the pollution in just a few months and this should make us think about how powerful we could be if we change our production system in order to produce less pollution, we could slow the global warming, and this lockdown demonstrates it perfectly. It is true that is the time for the big brands to take a step and reduce their footprints, and in my opinion, this is in part in the hands of the consumers and their petitions.

Olivia is a media student, and I feel that my practice is related to the media as well and I would add that she could expand more in the theme of diversity as I think the diversity goes further than just representing minority groups, I would add that diversity should be represented in each content just clarifying that nothing should be normalized as a general rule, because in this world each person have a reality, and we should create a general aesthetic that everyone should feel included. Putting apart the human’s physics and showing the people as a human body and not a classification because of the skin, weight, or race. etc

In conclusion, I agree with Olivia and how she approaches each theme. I found really interesting to see how other peer reflects these themes and makes me feel happy because I feel that these lectures have to make a change in her way of thinking like what happens to me when I saw the lectures and probably most of the students. It is impressive how much we could change as a new fashion generation. In the end, she thinks over how the Fashion Journalism project from Better Lives has made an impact on her and how she can be influenced by these themes in her future work, and I think this is really good because it was on of the goals of the project.

Olivia Andrews Post 2 – Themes Reflection:

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