Peer review

Peer Review Task

While browsing through the blog posts to write a peer’s review I came across a blog that I instantly connected to. It was a blog post by Seung Oh on ‘diversity’ and how the unit lectures might change her work in the future. I found out how the two of us have common perspectives and concerns and that’s one of the reasons I chose to review her blog. Not only this but also the work that she produced for her Better lives project looked quite interesting and diverse to me. I like how she though out of the box and did justice to her topic. Diversity as a whole this unit was one topic that I really reflected on and that’s what I found common between the two of us. I like how she started by talking about all 3 pillars of the unit which are sustainability, social responsibility and diversity. Then she spoke about how ‘diversity’ had an impact on her thought process and how curious she was to discover this particular pillar. 

I was very captivated by Seung Oh’s concerns and I like how she put her stand on diversity forward without any hesitation stating that efforts still need to be put in the industry to promote diversity as it is ‘still lying in an indefinite boundary where improvements are taken as tokenism’. Being an international student myself, coming from diverse backgrounds I could completely relate to her. She also spoke about how she wants to challenge herself by understanding everyone’s perspective, understanding the differences also how she wants to make positive changes for future generations which really inspired me.

One thing I really wish she could have emphasised more on was how has it impacted her personal life and how would she use what she learnt in the future rather than emphasising more on the fashion industry. Overall, I absolutely loved how she put what she felt forward and how engrossed she is in the idea of diversity.

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