Blog Post 4, Peer Review

Within my peer review I will be reviewing William Clarke’s Blog post on his styling workshop outcomes and personal reflection.  I was drawn to this blog as I thought the outcomes were extremely successful and told a clear narrative from his influences from the Better Lives themes. Will had two outcomes, one of which that I found very successful as the message and meaning behind it was extremely clever, and linked clearly and precisely within the theme sustainability. Here I am talking about the first outcome with the green python style trench coat that has been styled in multiple forms. The idea of this trench coat being styled in multiple ways shows sustainability within itself, clearly showing a garment doesn’t just have one use if you think creatively about it. The idea of also having endless possibilities also comes through within these styled looks, as a styling student myself I love this idea of never ending styling possibilities.  Clarke, W. 2020 quoted ‘ Essentially here I am proposing that the life of a garment does not end when lime python trenches are no longer in fashion, rather I am suggesting playing more and reinvent – it’s just fabric!’ 

In Will’s second outcome, he has responded to the current situation, by creating a styled look through FaceTime. Styling with what the model had to hand gave this shoot a D.I.Y look, which I found very successful as it’s creates a perfect narrative for the current unprecedented time. The retro 80’s look that it carried also gave the shoot an interesting mood and aesthetic. Instead of a glossy perfectly styled editorial image, I find the facetime grainy look shows the distance between the stylist and the model which responds perfectly to this current COVD situation. 

Overall, I feel that Will has reflected greatly on his Better Live studies, and created very effective outcomes within his styling practice. Will’s blog was extremely interesting to read and it was a very positive outcome on his introductory to Styling. 

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