blog post 4

in this peer review section of this better lives unit I have chosen Elanka Jiangs second blog post to get an understanding of her topics spoken about review them. The blog post focuses on Diversity during a pandemic and talks about some really interesting points throughout the post, for example Elanka is a Canadian Chinese studying in London who has always been proud of her roots as she mentions but through growing up in Canada which a country that prides itself on being “diversity and views its multinationalism as one of its greatest strengths”. Elanka and her being part of a minority she states she hardly saw people that looked like herself in mainstream media and it made her realize the importance of representation in an individual’s cultural identity. She speaks about how though there has been a rise of diversity included into fashion media however she says that she has faced her own cultural shocks more so in recent times and asked herself what she can do. Something which particularly resonates with me in this blog post is how she speaks about how it’s difficult to keep fighting these feelings of insignificance as our front-line responders are out there facing the real battle and though we have moved our studies online there’s something which seems to be really missing within the what has become the everyday at this point in the pandemic. As she continues, she addresses how all this time we all have on our hands is going to impact of she is going to combat this issue of diversity through her future work by addressing these collective issues and concerns often overlooked in mainstream media. She goes on further to say she wants her audience to feel represented and understood. Issues regarding racism, cultural appropriation, and segregation can be sensitive subjects but through the use of social media and other forms of communication, she wants to let others know that they’re not alone. I think this a really positive blog post and I feel that she has really taken the better lives themes and used them to better herself and hopefully make a change in the future of her work. Though she does not talk about the likes of sustainability the other better lives theme’s the way which she has written this blog I don’t feel like there would be much relevance in including this as the topic of diversity is much of a personal one. 

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