Blog Post 3 – Project Outcomes and Personal Development Reflection

My chosen lecture is makeup breakdown. The reason why I made this decision was that I wanted to learn some makeup techniques. I personally had never done any makeup on my own for either myself or someone else, so I thought learning some makeup skills would be quite useful for both my personal life and uni projects. After all these weeks of sessions, I would say I did gain very helpful and useful tips and knowledge that can benefit my future work.

For my final project, I chose Imperfection as the theme. I looked into the meaning of the word and immediately thought of my friend, Albee. She always complains about her freckles on both of chicks. She thinks the freckles are the defects on her face. Not like in the western countries, Asian people don’t really like their freckles. They think freckles are the sign of aging. On the contrary, westerners appreciate the beauty of freckles and even see them as the character of a person. Due to this appreciation, about five years ago, the freckles makeup started to become a trend. Even till now, fake freckles can still be seen in fashion magazines frequently. Therefore, this concept became the starting point of my final project.

Another idea that I found it related to Imperfection was cracks. A crack on any object can often be seen as a blemish. However, sometimes, this kind of blemish is possibly seen as art or a kind of beauty. Some art pieces like vases and ceramics came to my thought. They might not be perfect, but their imperfections are still being appreciated. Thus, I wanted to combine the concepts of freckles and cracks to create my final look.

My chosen lecture is makeup breakdown. The reason why I made this decision was that I wanted to learn some makeup techniques. I personally had never done any makeup on my own for either myself or someone else, so I thought learning some makeup skills would be quite useful for both my personal life and uni projects. After all these weeks of sessions, I would say I did gain very helpful and useful tips and knowledge that can benefit my future work.

For my final project, I chose Imperfection as the theme. I looked into the meaning of the word and immediately thought of my friend, Albee. She always complains about her freckles on both of chicks. She thinks the freckles are the defects on her face. Not like in the western countries, Asian people don’t really like their freckles. They think freckles are the sign of aging. On the contrary, westerners appreciate the beauty of freckles and even see them as the character of a person. Due to this appreciation, about five years ago, the freckles makeup started to become a trend. Even till now, fake freckles can still be seen in fashion magazines frequently. Therefore, this concept became the starting point of my final project.

Another idea that I found it related to Imperfection was cracks. A crack on any object can often be seen as a blemish. However, sometimes, this kind of blemish is possibly seen as art or a kind of beauty. Some art pieces like vases and ceramics came to my thought. They might not be perfect, but their imperfections are still being appreciated. Thus, I wanted to combine the concepts of freckles and cracks to create my final look.

When I was testing the makeup look, something went wrong. I used a blue eyeliner pencil for the freckles because that was what I could get from home. However, due to my poor skill, the freckles were too big and in weird shapes. Eventually, they turned out to look like the dots on blue cheese, rather than tiny cute freckles. I was disappointed at first, but then I thought this could be a part of Imperfection. This is exactly a good example for imperfection, isn’t it? So, those imperfect blue dots became my new design for the look. As for the cracks, I used some Vaseline to attach a few strings on the face. The strings lying on the blue dots looked like the cracks on a vase. I think they worked out better than I expected.

Within the whole process, the biggest reward for myself is to gain from unexpected happening. I think part of the credit should be taken by the theme I’ve chosen because it is a topic that can be express unlimitedly. What I learned from this is don’t deny your mistake at once. Take a step back and look it from another angle, then you might see it differently. Also, I am really glad that I was able to use the skills I learned from the makeup breakdown sessions for my final look. I would never think of using strings with Vaseline as the kits if I didn’t join the class. Using unconventional objects to create a makeup look is the most interesting knowledge I’ve learned from this Better Lives unit.

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