Blog Post 3

I decided to choose ‘Make Up Break Down’ as my option for the Better Lives Unit as I have always been fascinated at a make up artist’s ability to create a work of art, sculpture and in some cases completely alter the visual appearance of a someone’s face. Alongside this, I felt that make-up artists and stylists have to work very closely in terms of collaboration and thus it would benefit my own future as well as any make-up Artist that I will work with because I will be able to appreciate and somewhat understand their techniques and methods of operating. Overall, I found this unit very utile and felt I learnt a lot of new techniques that could even be applied on myself! It allowed me to further understand theory behind applying and understanding make up on a whole which I hadn’t previously thought about – for example learning the Colour Wheel Theory was highly useful.

            For my interpretation of the brief, I decided to look into ‘Make up Imperfection’ and something that felt personal within my own terms of identity. Growing up I felt insecure and saw my acne scars and freckles as ‘imperfections’ – just like a masses of young people due to the beauty standards within the media. Thankfully as I have gotten older I have embraced them as my natural state. This then linked to me including flowers and natural products, e.g. Daisies or Rose petals, and using them to cover my blemishes for my final make up looks. This idea was also inspired by the importance of nature that I was informed about in the lecture given to us by Kate Fletcher.

To me, I have always found flowers as a signifier of natural beauty and femininity therefore by incorporating them, I was able to create a personal state of perfection. To further explore the ideas of femininity and to also link to the masterclasses that I found highly useful and informative, I decided to incorporate contour into another look with the use of flowers on my cheekbones and white petals to ‘highlight’ my brow bone.

Due to the current state of the global pandemic, having to do these tasks at home caused slight anxiety within myself and what was asked of me felt somewhat impossible at first due to my lack of resources. However, it allowed me to think beyond my usual creative capacity and to take advantage of my home and garden environment. I was proud of my final outcome especially because I was able to incorporate what I had learnt from the lectures and the Make Up Breakdown masterclasses to create something personal in my own surroundings.

In conclusion, I have felt the Better Lives unit has allowed me to have more confidence in my ability to involve myself in practices that are new to me and the equal importance of adding a personal side to a brief as well as understanding and being empathetic towards others.

Fletcher,L. (2020) Nature [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion (Accessed: 12th Feburary 2020).

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