blog post 3

Throughout this fashion journalist part of the unit we have been introduced to the range of ways to find and secure data.  In the first few sessions we focus on data taken from the women’s marches in America and how that data was taken and used in an article to support a point. We had ago a trying to make a graph which shows the data retrieved from these march’s in America and then continued to write a small article which talks about the feature of these marches. I focused on how social media would have a huge impact on another march as more and more people have jumped onto the social media band wagon which will have positives effects on documenting things such as how many people attended an event like this. The second aspect of this unit was writing a feature which focusing on the better life’s themes. I came up with the idea of looking at how Gucci is a sustainable after my mum asked about the topic. I began to look into what Gucci are doing to help against this issue and this is what I found. On my first google search the first link to pop up says Gucci has its finger right on the pulse of the fashion industry, as its latest initiative, Gucci Equilibrium, solidifies its position as a sustainable , responsible as well as highly desirable luxury fashion houses quoted by Vivian Hendriksz to fashion united. This was quite a surprise to me, so I continued to see what specifically they are doing differently to other high-end designers to help this underlining problem. In Hendriksz article from 2018 he talks about the resent announcement of Gucci’s launch their new programme and wider 10-year plan to embed a comprehensive sustainability strategy into its brand, one which will be governed by a Culture of Purpose. In turn, this Culture of Purpose dictates Gucci’s operations on a daily basis, which are held in place by three pillars that include the environment, people and new models of sustainable innovation. Under the first pillar, Environment Gucci highlights its commitment to reduce its environmental impacts by setting targets to develop a new standard in luxury. For example, on the new platform readers can learn more about Gucci’s aim to guarantee the traceability of 100 percent of its raw materials by 2025. However, looking at the most sustainably fashion brands when searching online Gucci aren’t in any of the top 5 brands. Instead brands such as DÔEN and Stella McCartney who are constantly on these lists are the biggest for helping to resolve the issue of be sustainable, showing that Gucci still has a long way to go in trying to succeed in there 10-year plan for being a sustainable equilibrium. Finding all this information out about how brands such as Gucci are really making a difference when it comes to being sustainable. 

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