Reflective Writing 3

Minji Kawck

Finally, I finished making my final project. My better lives course is 3D Mask Making about politics. It’s based on social responsibility such as president or nation. So I searched for the big political issues in my country. In 2016-2017 there were big issues in Korea. One is about residential impeachment and the other one is the sinking of a ship. At this time, all the people started the movement with the mask. The mask color based on the yellow color that means the sinking of a shipping issue. Also, they wrote down some words on the mask by using red, black, and blue colors. Red and Blue mean Korea. Black means the warning to the government. Thus, I decided to make the mask by customizing it based on the meaning of colors.

In the third semester, there are lots of projects to do. I needed time management. But, I failed it. So I replan the project timetable only 2weeks. I stopped the hang out with my friends and started the research and bought some materials for the mask customizing. And I collected the mask from my friends and my family. I tried to make the mask the other design several times. I wrote down the reason of fail on the note and tried and tried.

Finally, I made the make based on the research and the big issues in Korea. I used the color pens and real masks. Because I wanted to show the mask in reality. Even though I’m not a costume course student, I don’t have material for the 3D mask. That’s why I selected using the real mask and customizing it. I think to make the 3D mask in my home alone, that’s so difficult for me. There’s no person to help me, and no person let me know how to sculpt the 3D mask. This method was the best way for me in this course. But I like my final project. Because there is so a lot of meaning in my mask.

If I have more time and more material in the future, I want to try it again perfectly. And I will make a perfect plan for this project.

This course let me know the power and lot’s of things in life and to me.

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