Group project reflection – better lives

For my groups work for the better lives project unit, we decided to create a short video to be shared on the social media platform Instagram. The video that we made is a reflection on our mental health, and how we are coping or struggling due to the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. Main focuses were on the isolation we are all feeling, which is not helped by our mental illnesses. The video featured video clips of group members doing their distraction techniques and coping mechanisms, as well as a voice over track speaking a poem, the video also included different small doodled animations. Personally, I have been struggling with the lack of difference in each passing day so a way to solve that issue I have been attempting different activities such as jigsaws with my mum, or drawing. However, even though I have been doing these things to the best of my ability I have still struggled some days to even get out of bed let alone complete something that I really do not feel like doing. I think that our video was a good way to create a modern and accessible conversation started as to how we can cope and just try our best during these unprecedented times. Our choice to choose a format suitable for Instagram was a good idea as most people have social media and this creates an accessible way for people to view it.

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