Blog Post 3- Project outcome reflection

In the better live unit, I chose makeup breakdown as my project. As a student of Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics for Performance, I have always been passionate about makeup. I chose this project because this project pays more attention to the practice and design of fashion makeup. I think that in each project, I can better improve my makeup technology. I am familiar with the basic theories and techniques of consolidating makeup. Later, he laid the foundation as a makeup artist. At the same time, I can also have more opportunities to practice my makeup techniques.

In the previous course, I learned some theoretical knowledge about make-up, such as skin color, trimming, etc. Although I have been exposed to some theoretical knowledge in my professional courses, I still learned a lot of new knowledge in this process. Every make-up artist has their
own custom-made make-up mode. During the communication with the lecturer, I learned a lot of makeup tips, which helped me a lot.
The topics in the following courses are about fashion mistake and imperfection. Around these two themes, we need to use some unconventional cosmetics to create 3d makeup. Unconventional cosmetics refers to all the items that can be used in life to create, which is very interesting. Fashion mistake and imperfection I think these two concepts are closely related to the diversity and tolerance mentioned in the previous lecture.
In the final design, I chose imperfection as my theme. I don’t think beauty should be defined. Everyone’s aesthetic is non-stop, and natural definition of perfection is also different. You cannot use the same judging criteria to evaluate beauty and limit beauty. Beauty should be a manifestation of many forms. I want to explain imperfection with a more positive attitude. Imperfection is special and unique. In my creative process, I use the combination of color blocks and lines to convey that beauty should not be restricted. Beauty is like flowers, releasing charm in a variety of poses, colors, and environments. At the same time, I hope that people can open their minds and tolerate the existence of different beauty. Receive your own ‘imperfection’.
In general, I enjoy this project very much. I not only improved my makeup skills, but also expressed the conceptual knowledge I learned before with my own creation. This project is a good summary of the better live unit, and it also has a positive impact on my future makeup studies.

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