Blog post 3: Project outcome and personal development

Now having finished my chosen discipline of ‘mask making and politics’ and reflecting on the better lives themes, I feel that I have been heavily influenced by them all. Having the opportunity to complete this project I have been able to put into practise the key themes of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. I feel that I have made progress in adapting my creative thought process when designing to consider these elements every time I create something new. I’ve realised that if the whole industry started to do this, then, over time we could make significant improvements to the state of the fashion industry currently and begin reversing its environmentally damaging effects.

As a costume student, I have been inspired by the intricacy of Haute Couture masks. Upon discovering that ‘the apparel industry alone accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions’I felt this needed more attention so I chose to focus on the importance of sustainability as my political message. After conducting more research I discovered that ’70 million trees are cut down each year to make our clothes.’Making matters worse, ‘30% of rayon and viscose clothing comes from endangered and ancient forests.”Every year, thousands of hectares of forests are cut down and replaced by plantations’ to account for this. The ‘loss of forests is threatening the ecosystem and indigenous communities’, which in turn, reflects how all the better lives themes link, as through a lack of social responsibility impacting sustainability, our planet’s diversity is being affected. (All citations from: ‘Sustain your style’ 2017)

Consequently, I decided a powerfully visual way to show the importance of sustainability was by exhibiting the death of our planet’s Rainforests through my mask. The adapted brief due to Covid-19 meant that my design ideas improved. Without the hinderance of having to obtain materials, I had limitless opportunity. Further inspired by Salisbury’s lecture on Inclusion and her mention of smart textiles, I knew that I wanted to include said technology within my design:

Final Mask design
MODEL~Cajsa Wessberg
DESIGN~Originally illustrated on paper and then digitally manipulated using ‘Picsart’ and layered over Cajsa’s face.

The base is constructed from a recycled and renovated gas mask. It symbolises how without a focus on sustainability we are enhancing the greenhouse affect and in turn suffocating our planet -’23 kg of greenhouse gases are produced for every kilo of fabric produced.’(Sustain your style 2017) The mask would then be embellished with recycled astroturf grass, and foliage constructed out of Tyvek fabric offcuts, dyed naturally. With a purpose of being shown as part of a catwalk collection pioneering the importance of sustainable design. Finally, the mask would be sprayed with thermochromic ink invisible at room temperature, however in the performance environment, the models would be walking on the runway slowly against warm air blowing at them. Throughout the duration of the runway show, the masks would begin to change colour turning black and the heat mouldable Tyvek flowers would begin to change shape and wilt as if the flowers were withering away. The mask’s performance exhibits the rainforest dying as a result of a lack of serious focus on sustainability.


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