Blog Post 2: Themes Reflection Task – Social Responsibility

From beginning my Contemporary Portrait Photography unit, I have learnt that photographers have an important responsibility of how they use their power behind the lens when focusing on their subject. Practitioners such as Corinne Day use photography to illustrate their own perspective of what it was like to live in their time (in Day’s case, the 90s). Therefore, portrait photography is a visual way of social groups and aspiring creatives to get their voice heard when their issues and opinions are not being listened to. As well as sharing your gift with the world such as your photographic talent, everyone has a moral and social responsibility to use their platform to spread awareness on issues that affect the oppressed and are constantly being ignored. As a fashion illustrator myself, I would like my illustrations to shed light on important issues and topics that are needed to be addressed in society such as xenophobia and colourism. 

As we are currently in the time of a global pandemic, our talents and creative crafts are now restricted whilst we are in isolation, however, my illustrative and photographic work that I will be producing in the next few weeks can reflect the feelings of myself and the rest of the nation towards this deadly virus. This pandemic has taught me so far that it is always important to work with the resources I already have and be more appreciative with what I have achieved so far. By remaining at home and endeavoring to stay productive, I am considering the health and well-being of others by protecting others as well as myself from contracting the virus. This shows I am taking responsibility in limiting my interaction with others and maintaining my mental health by keeping myself occupied in this troubling time. Another lesson I have learnt during quarantine is that it is imperative to consistently save money to shelter you in difficult economic encounters. After witnessing so many businesses collapse as a result of this pandemic, I have realized that protecting your finances and insurance are important investments to make when running a business. As a creative, it has made me consider whether self-employment is a suitable career move in the future. Although freelancing may not give me stable income, working under a corporation can have its downsides since many employees are being furloughed now, which still isn’t bringing them the necessary income to provide for their families. It is possible that photographers and designers can produce and sell their work online whilst working from home in this disturbing time to generate their income without the reliance of the government, which shows that it is important for workers especially creatives to explore other avenues of generating money. 

All things considered, even though the pandemic is a very troubling time for the world, it can be documented as one of the most memorable moments in history. The empty streets of Central London and the united front of the nation when clapping for the NHS workers on Thursday evenings show human civilization supporting each other in a time of great distress. I hope there is someone out there documenting these rare moments via visual means. 

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