Blog post 2: being located with Messaging Fashion/PR

I had the intention to take a bidding opportunity to be introduced to a new area of the fashion industry, whether it be in the designing, production, business or the advertising so I let it be luck of the draw; I’m intrigued and eager to grow my knowledge, skill set and career potential. 

Upon starting Messaging Fashion, I’ve become confident it’s appropriate for me. Sophia and Leigh worked together in order to present exactly what It’s about. The kind of tasks involved became clear to me when the roles of someone in Public Relations were referenced and we were informed that what we’d present a mock-up for-filling the roles of a Fashion PR person. Since my usual practice as a fashion photographer would consist of working from a practical perspective with set physical tasks, to have the right set of circumstances in order to practice the social and business side of things really accommodates my development in the industry.

Within the first class, I built an understanding of the responsibilities involved in the work of a PR for Fashion: A PR is someone who represents a brand, event or cause as the backstage face of a brand holding immense power in the business’s progress. They must generate an increase in goodwill and brand awareness while steering away from direct sales in order to gain the interest of significant people. They may be tasked to write speeches and press releases, create online advertising, respond to crisis and criticism and make judgments on collaboratives. Their curative mind set stems from experience in the industry and participating in discussion with a vast range of professionals. The reputation of PR fashion stems from their key attributes which stand out to me as an inspiring way to be. In order to be successful in their business they must be confident, passionate, quick witted, knowledgeable, organised, up to date and skilful in making professional relationships. Such qualities would be useful for anyone in any career to thrive in, hence my enthusiasm. 

In other lectures, the tutors elaborated specifically on the qualities of a brand rather than a person’s position in particular. As a mixed class from split roles in fashion, focusing on branding and controlling a company felt beneficial. We looked at brand values touching upon all the ‘should haves’, touchpoints like their beliefs and what information is online making us question professionalism and inclusivity, then brand personality, bringing to light the extent to which people often engage in building their identities through brands. This is something we all need to take a moment to overlook! Would someone’s first impression of you be representative of your favourite fashion label and the way you perceive it? As an image maker, this feels like a relevant thought process to have in order to accurately present a brand’s intended personality in the photographs I take with precise technique. 

As you’re aware from my previous blog, I’m pleased with the idea of making fashion an environmentally friendly industry. In the instance of PR’s, if they were employed by a brand using sustainable materials and/or healthy facilities, they’d have the power to use those facts and figures as a method of coaxing collaboratives. As I’ve learnt, having them feel like they’d be doing the world a favour would count as a good deed while overall projecting a superior representation of the brand.

As a whole, I’ve come to realise that having such knowledge in the business area can be crucial and it may have an impact on how I work in the future. I’d be capable of taking on more responsibilities in my own role, while understand how an event or collaboration is put together and take influence for personal progression.


Leigh Odimah and Sophia Plessas (lectures), at Lime Grove Campus of London College of Fashion, February 2020

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