Blog 4 – Peer review

For my peer review, I have chosen to reflect on Jiyong Lee’s 2nd blog post, ‘Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change how you work in the future’. My reasoning for this choice is due to their clear understanding of social responsibilities and their ability to apply the aim to their work in Emerging Technologies.

In particular, Jiyong was able to exercise an understanding in social responsibility through their research into patterns between fake fur and leather jackets from 2004 to 2020. I found the graph to be useful in understanding Jiyong’s findings and the multiple viewpoints discussed show the complexity of the subject – especially the mention of the impact of advertising. Jiyong’s explanation of social responsibility with regards to media exposure is insightful when questioning the extent of agency consumers occupy. Having used H&M as an example, I was surprised at how Jiyong was unable to find any advertising for H&M’s sustainable collection and encouraged me to question why. 

However, I think Jiyong could have discussed sustainability and diversity more within her reflections post. Perhaps Jiyong could have expanded upon the H&M sustainability collection in more depth and refer to the role Emerging Technologies played in the creation of that collection. Moreover, H&M has became under fire recently for their modelling choices with regards to a children’s jumper, having cast a young black boy to wear a ‘cheeky monkey’ hoodie. It may have been interesting for Jiyong to look at the insensitivity behind the choice and the possibilities as to why; for example, it may have been intentional in order to gain more attention for their new children’s line.

Overall, I think Jiyong was able to successfully discuss social responsibility with regards to Emerging Technologies and I found her research to be insightful. However, when looking at the other themes of the Better Lives unit: diversity and sustainability, I think Jiyong could have expanded slightly more. 

Jiyong’s post can be found at:

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