Blog 3. Reflections on how the Better Lives themes have influenced your project outcome and your personal development

Due to the coronavirus, all lectures of term 3 are replaced by the online sessions. Therefore, all lectures of Emerging Technology have proceeded on the online via Microsoft team. The aim of Emerging Technology during term 3 is to pick up one or two ideas to practice how we visualise this discussed in term 2.  To visualise the ideas, the first important process to do is to SWOT analysation. This process plays a crucial role in preparing unexpected problems and simulating the final outcome beforehand. Through this process, I have learned meaningful key element, which is market strategy depends on what you want to target.

For me, when it comes to sustainability business plan, a significant element was focusing on developing sustain or eco-friendly elements, how my business plan would be influenced by making the world better. However, I realised that a sustainable project is also a part of business, therefore, to secure consumers is important to start a business. No matter how I made sustainable apps or eco eco-friendly products, it is pointless if this does not attract consumer’s needs and interests. There is a good example of this at one of the Emerging Technology lectures. We discussed SWOT analysation of the Local Demand project. This is project came up to revive local economy. For weaknesses, I wrote unstable sales depends on the current local economy. However, I realised that there is an opposite opinion, which is that the other argued with a great local vegetable market example in the UK that it could be more stable in a certain situation because it proves to whoever wants to use this. Having discussed I now realise that I need to be careful in analysing and fully understanding the economy and market I targeted because the system and environment of all local economies from various countries are different.

In addition, I have learned that accessibility via discussing vintage trend SWOT analysation. No matter the application or design we created is good, it could be useless if the consumer does not access and use it. Having discussed I now realised that attracting consumers and advertising are also relevant parts of creating a sustainability project. 

Having experienced Better Lives lectures, I now feel that my knowledge and interest in terms of sustainability and global market trend become more solid and dept and I have significantly developed my understanding of how to approach fashion business to create my own ideas in the future. There are limitations to learn and practice after being replaced by online sessions, however, in general, all Better Lives process allows me to have realisation in terms of my future works. 

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