Blog Post 3-Group Project outcome-Fashion Activism

Now that I have completed the Better Lives project, I can reflect on the many elements that I have learnt throughout this unit.  Initially I found the unit quite overwhelming and confusing but as soon as I started my Fashion Activism project it had become clearer and things started coming together.  I came out the other side of this project with a deeper understanding and knowledge of the three main themes throughout of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility.  

For our project, we explored how we can creatively communicate about the brands that our group was assigned in a way that would inform, inspire and motivate audiences.  In our first lecture, we were spilt into groups which were assigned a brand and our goal was that we had to deliver a moving image content that was suitable for social media.  This moving image needed to be in alignment with the brand that we were given which was ‘Lazy Oaf-Time To Change’ collaboration.

It was extremely beneficial that my group came from all different backgrounds of study.  I was the only PR student in my group. This allowed us all to bring different elements and approaches to the task along with learning new aspects from our peers which had a nice impact on our final outcome.  As a group we all really liked the brand concept and aesthetics and how it was in collaboration with a mental health charity which all of us could resonate with.  The brand Lazy Oaf relates to the three better lives themes. 

Originally, we had plans to film our moving image in a unique place in London using diverse models and a projector which would project words that the models would use for describing their own mental health journeys but due to the impact of the pandemic this idea was no longer possible.  We therefore aired our ideas by coming together through video calls and WhatsApp and we decided to identify and express our own mental health journeys and how the pandemic has affected all of us in both different and similar ways and how we are finding ways to cope with its impact on how we lead our lives.  We designed our video in a square format that would be suitable for an Instagram advertisement.  Our communications with one and other were very consistent and everyone remained motivated and enthusiastic despite the difficult circumstances we have currently been facing. 

Overall, it is evident to me that the Better Lives themes have influenced and informed my way of thinking and will continue to do so in the future.  I believe that the final outcome of this project that my group and I have produced will demonstrate  that we were immensely influenced by the Better Lives themes.  We were very proud of it and won awards in our final lecture of Fashion Activism.

Here is a link to view the final outcome of our moving image project.

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