Blog 2. Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change how you work in the future

Through term 2 and term 3, I have learned about sustainability, social responsibility, and diversity via Better Lives lectures and Emerging Technologies in the Fashion Industry. All of the lectures lead me to have the responsibility of solving problems that the fashion industry faced with. Especially, the Emerging Technology session helped me to produce how I work in the fashion industry as a new creative director who leads to the fashion industry in the future.

Previously, I thought that people aware of their consumption when they are buying clothes or products because, a lot of eco-friendly or vegan products are launched by fashion brands these days and there are documentaries to talk about bad truth of fashion industry. However, through the Emerging Technology session, I realised that consumers do not care about the garment manufacturing  process that I expected. In the Emerging Technology session, we searched about fashion trend via Google Trend. I compared the frequency of search patterns between fake fur coat and leather jacket from 2004 to 2020 in the UK. It shows that there is an incomparable interest of leather jacket. It seems that people keep consuming products made by leather or fur even if alternative materials have invented.

(Google Trends, no date)

Equally, this might be linked with lack of advertisement, especially among major fashion brands that is an industry leader by leading fashion trends.  Even though major fashion brands are trying to produce eco-friendly clothes, it accounts for small parts of company’s product line because it is unmarketable than other clotheslines. For example, H&M launched sustainability collection line, but I cannot find advertisements related to sustainability collection at both H&M online and offline stores. Also, I cannot find any clothes from sustainability collection at H&M offline store in London. Having experienced, I now believed that media is not only an aspect of consumers’ interests but also, a tremendous influence to change consumers’ perceptions and interests. This means that the degree of media exposure, people become more interested or awarded what the company’s focusing on, and eventually, this influences peoples’ consumption.

In addition, I believe that as a new media platform is able everyone to share information, therefore, floated information makes fashion companies struggle to stand it compared to the past.  Therefore, they start to add provocative comments or uncertain information in order to protect existing customers and to attract new customers. However, I think this phenomenon is harmful future fashion industry as well as consumers.

To sum up, I have significantly developed my understanding of the massive impact of mass media and the importance of creating fashion media. This understanding could be useful to me because it encourages me to create the right advertisements that leads a consumer to do ethical consumption. 


Google Trends (no date) [Screencast]. Available at: (Accessed: 5 May 2020).

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