Blog 2

It’s interesting talking about the themes of diversity, social responsibility and sustainability in a time that requires us to use these themes in how we handle the current crisis, and how it carries on into the future. 

Addressing these issues in all industries is of great importance during the COVID19 crisis, especially sustainability and social responsibility. Individuals have always been aware of these subjects and why they highlight irregularities in our social, economic and creative industries. Prior to the pandemic, fashion industries had sustainability at the forefront of their minds, classing fast fashion brands as environmentally and socially irresponsible without the facility to be long term. Due to the speed in which we have had to proceed to a global holt, questions could arise as to how sustainable our world is, and can we proceed the way we are living long term? I think many of us know the answer to that question. Living in a disposable world has never been clearer, and now is the time to act.

The makeup industry has always followed trends throughout the years, each decade having its own red lip, winged liner, and rouge cheeks, but I feel present day is the most diverse makeup has ever been. Makeup used to create art by any individual, not just restricted to performers and artists. With the addition of social media, makeup is flourishing like it never has before. Therefore, social responsibility and diversity have never been better represented in the industry.

Participating in Navigating Through Clothing during the Better Lives course, I have seen many overlaps between costume design and my own course. Prosthetics being a performance-based craft holds many similar concerns as costume design in the process of creating a character. There are many other factors to consider: will the costume/makeup work with the style and movement of the performance? How will it be worn? Can the costume/makeup be used for multiple performances? Costume design has definitely aided me in reminding myself that these questions need to be addressed in my makeup work as well, especially those containing social responsibility and sustainability.

Carrying on, having the knowledge of these themes throughout my practice will definitely aid me in addressing issues within my work. Not only has the current crisis opened my eyes to how easily the world can shut down, but having been able to take part in a course which tackles a completely different material that I am used to, but with such a similar thought process and development will hopefully inform my work in a very positive way. It will be interesting to see how social responsibility and sustainability overlap in the future, as these two can only coexist if people understand the detriment we place ourselves in by living in a throwaway society, especially as social responsibility requires action that maximises benefit to those involved.




Social Responsibility

[internet] [Accessed on the 19/04/20]

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