Blog 1

Collaboration is most influenced by my thinking than other lectures because as a fashion media student, collaboration is the most important skill to learn and use it during group work. But first of all, I want to talk about collaboration and teamwork. Collaboration is thinking together and respects the opinions of others. Teamwork is everyone coming together for one outcome. Those two vocabularies are looks the same, but we have to understand meaning clearly and work with people. I learn 6 skills in collaboration such as participation, collective, transparency, independence, persistence, and emergence. Those kills are useful, but transparency, emergence and persistence are most influenced by lecture. Easy way to explain transparency is trust, during the collaboration we have to trust each other and each other’s work too, the main thing of collaboration is working together to solve a problem or to achieve a goal, so no matter what I have to or everyone has to trust and support each other in the group work. And second, emergence means remembering why, why is always reminding goal. Last one persistence is the more the better and look for combinations of previous ideas and improve on them. The more the better mean for me is do not be satisfied, never enough, never. Think more other ways to improve our works. But the hardest thing is people look like thinking but no one is thinking. This happened in class and I had experienced that situation before. When I first time works with other students I was asking students to think project and proposal to the group but everyone was quiet even I suggested plan, so not only learn those skills, we have to get used it and be a great collaboration with people. In the lecture said a great collaboration can be a meaningful and life-changing experience. Therefore, those 6 skills are influenced by my thinking.

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