Better Lives Blog Post 3

My Better Lives experience has been priceless. I have to admit; I was a bit concerned as to how this unit will go due to the current events that are taking place. However, in the end everything worked out the way I hoped it would. Choosing critical design, I knew I would learn about problems the world faces today, but that class has definitely exceeded my expectations.

After learning about wicked problems and their affects on people, I chose a wicked problem that was something personal, yet other people can relate to as well. I decided to focus on Islamophobia, specifically how media outlets spread Islamophobia rhetoric and how they have the ability to influence public opinion and create misconceptions. I spent hours and hours researching about my subject and trying to create a trailer that conveys the problem I am addressing; however, doesn’t solve it. I wanted people to view my trailer and understand the message I am trying to deliver. After creating multiple trailers and going through a prolonged trial and error phase, I finally created a film that I am genuinely proud of.

I initially started off with a different idea for my trailer, however due to the pandemic, I ended up changing that idea because it was not possible to create at home. Therefore, I had to go back to brainstorming in order to come up with another idea. I realized that I do not have the strongest skillset in improvisation and adaptation. I was so set on my initial idea, that I found it extremely difficult to adapt to the new situation that was taking place. However, I can honestly say that after this unit, I was able to improve in that area. It is not a big improvement but it is definitely a start.

When we had to share our trailers and explain the concepts behind them, I was overwhelmed by the amount of issues that are taking place in our world. Each one of the trailers my peers have created have had a big impact on the way I view the planet were living in. This unit has resulted in so much awareness and realization that is necessary in order to actually create change.

The aim of my project was to address the issue of the medias potential in molding the perception of Muslims on a mass scale in a global context. After thinking about the three concepts this unit stresses on, I can see a clear and evident link that cannot be overlooked. Diversity is essential. Moreover, diversity in the fashion industry exists but still has a long way to go. From what I have learnt from my own project is that social media is a huge and crucial platform that is used by a vast majority of people, therefore it has the ability to shape the public opinion on a certain topic. Therefore, if social media is used positively, to embolden and encourage the concept of diversity, then the fashion industry will get there steadily but surely.

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