Yinhua Chen 18007246

Blog3 – How the better lives themes have influenced your project outcomes and your personal development?

Having finished my Better lives project, I did the 500-word feature and moving image with my group. This project offers a good chance for me to communicate with others by sharing different ideas. Also, fashion activism is a perfect unit because group work offers me many inspirations in our group work and holden my horizon.

In our group, we choose the theme of “TRAID,” which is a cloth brand in London. During the first group discussion, we talked about overall aspects of TRAID, like designing style, casting, set design, and mood. Then, we summarized the positioning of this brand by searching for the information on the official website and related articles. In the middle of the unit, we need to analyze the core of this brand and design images for TRAID to express our understanding of it. For instance, we allow the models to wear white cloth to show the kindness and sympathy for the people with lower-income because TRAID made large contribution in charity stuff by opening charity stores in London.

Also, fashion cannot live with creativity. Second-hand styling clothes gives the garments a new life, but this is not London’s fashion problem. In Greenwich, 32% of people throw clothes in the bin, and in Ealing, 80% have never heard about the UN sustainable development goals. However, London have many charity shop of TRAID. Although the charity shops are sufficiently more affordable than shops such as “Top shop” and” River island,” there is a significant value in style, not cost, we can make your old cloth fashionable. It is out duty to raise awareness of second- hand fabric to the whole community by let people know wearing clothes that have been worn before does not make them less valuable. From learning unit of better lives, I deem that trading in second-hand clothes will help improve the environment and social conditions within the textile industry with converting burning of cloths into toxic waste, and trade them into local charity shop, such as ā€¯TRAID.”

Due to my group’s research, we knew the core meaning of the brand of TRAID and the charity shop. A lot of clothes brand exists in this world, charity shops often live in a low-key manner, but they have great significance.In this project, the results are influenced by way of thinking Evaluating your own opinions and letothers have their views, whether you agree or disagree. As a group that allows us to trust each other, we need to listen, explore and get new inspirations to complete our group work

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