Emerging Technologies

When I think about technology, it comes to my mind computers, geeks and Bill Gates. I consider myself a not very tech person and when I had to learn basic computer skills, I was a slow learner. It makes me realize now that my approach to technology was not the best and that is why I always kept a distance from knowing about the latest advances in that field. 

While I was watching the lecture about emerging technologies, it opened my curiosity about endless possibilities that fashion could have not only on a virtual world but if it is implemented in the right way, it can have sustainable impact in the industry as well, it´s more about than just Internet, social media and some design programs. 

Emerging technology has always been a good initiative for a small brand to be noticed and different. But now, I don’t think about it just like a good initiative or something to be differentiated, I see it like a shift that has to be made in the fashion industry. It´s still good to know that certain craftsmanship is needed in fashion, but this can be enhanced with emerging technology like AI, VR and others. Now, the social distancing is a measure that has been placed in many cities, emerging technology is providing a new sphere where people from the industry can still create and be out there. 

The explanation of Technological Singularity that a program can tell you if that item fits good or not on someone´s body, is the beginning of what can be done to find quick solution at the time of buying a garment. It would be really interesting to see how large fashion brands implement emerging technology at wide range for consumers and become more sustainable with innovative practices. I see the future of emerging technology not only be implemented on the fashion creative process, communication channels, and supply chain and for consumers. It would be great to use it to manage the waste problem cause by fashion or to track a garment through the code bars and know who made it to tackle worker exploitation.

By the time I´m writing this blog, we´re already on lockdown due to Covid-19, and it´s in this situation that I find that emerging technology has always been there somehow but we didn’t want to fully embrace it because of unfamiliarity with these advances.  The whole fashion system has gotten used to work on a certain conservative and old way, but it had to happen something that disrupt our habits that make us look something usually overlook or not implemented as a necessity to be part of us. Maybe, we really need this virtual world to make our creations possible, to make a change in the fashion system and to create more sustainable practices towards our planet. 

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