Blog Post 4 – Peer Review

I think you explored the theme of sustainability within your practise really well, in particular how you’ve pointed out some of the major pollutants within the make-up industry (such as plastics and disposable products) and came up with solutions on how to be more sustainable through using microfiber towels instead. It really shows a conscious effort to take what you’ve learnt from the lectures and use it to grow and improve, as well as that you’ve researched eco-friendly alternatives once you’ve discovered what you currently use is sustainable. 

In addition to this, you’ve mentioned how although the make-up industry is not as polluting as fashion clothing that the waste from this industry still negatively affects the planet and needs to be addressed as well. It has also made me consider the ways in which the make-up industry can improve, and for feedback I would say that it would be good to elaborate more on what eco-friendly alternatives there are for make-up products, or maybe go into more depth on how damaging the make-up industry is on the environment. 

One thing that I think you could improve on was that you mentioned well-being briefly but I think it would’ve been good to mention this aspect of better lives more in this post, as I think it not only relates to sustainability very well due to its links to capitalism and consumerism, but also how the perception of beauty in society affects well-being. You could’ve talked about how make-up and well-being are related, what kind of impact the beauty industry has on the well-being of those who take part in it and the relation of constant spending to improve well-being on the environment as a whole. 

Overall I think this was a really good look into how you can improve or update your practise through learning more about sustainability, and it’s great you’ve decided to take a conscious effort to change how you work to improve the environment because of this theme. 

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