Blog Post 3 – Project Outcome Fashion Activism

For our creative direction project, we had the theme of fashion activism and had to create a moving image campaign for the brand Nubian Skin. At first within our group, we had planned to do a short advert-style film using models and a voiceover, similar to videos they had done before. Initially we struggled, as this original idea didn’t include all of our skill sets and would’ve been quite difficult and time confusing to organise. In addition, all our group agreed that while their product and concept was very interesting and successfully done (nude underwear for all skin tones) their branding was quite stale, outdated and perhaps lacking in imagination. We decided as a group to rethink how we wanted to present the brand, and try to figure out a way to modernise the brand while keeping their signature style. 

Through doing experiments with the images on the brand’s instagram, we found a way to create a really interesting moving image campaign that utilized all of the group’s skills. We decided to use the skills of both the two illustrators and myself as a photographer to create animated gifs that would be fun, playful and colourful while still keeping within the colour scheme and natural toned aesthetic of the brand.

(A mock-up of how our GIFs would look in Nubian Skin’s instagram feed)

In this way we managed to get over the dilemma of including the group skills by having everyone involved in the editing as well as suggestions for how things could look, as well as caption writing and instagram layouts. We agreed as a group that we would create all of the content of the moving image ourselves, to be able to have work we can still include in our portfolio as well as post freely on social media. Some aspects were quite difficult, due to the lockdown our original plan of using a model was adapted to the situation, and we discussed as a group whether to continue with the idea or not. Ultimately we modified the concept to still work without a model, and this ended up being much more time efficient and gave the gifs a more playful and unique vibe. 

Through this project, not only did I face challenges such as trying to photograph in a location I usually wouldn’t (my house) but communicating over long distances as our group was across the world in many different time zones. Though it was difficult for us to coordinate due to this, I feel our project really benefited from us staying in a group and producing the final moving image together. Not only did it allow us to bounce ideas off each other rather than working without having any feedback most of the time, but also meant we could combine our skills to create a piece of work even better than if we had done so individually. Through discussion, we not only included a racial aspect of diversity but also body size and hair types, which I feel really showcase the theme of diversity really successfully. 

Moving image link:

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