Blog 4

Blog review. 

When looking through the blog posts I came across yours and decided to do the review. 

I like how Holly Morris has decided to explore more in-depth and to improve her skills by learning something different in photography. 

Reading through the blogs I can see how she spoke about clothing from different backgrounds cultures in photography. She gave an example also towards sustainability by the works of Treacy, D who helped clear our some of the dirty environment by sourcing clothes from the river Thames. I can imagine that there is so much clothing that just gets left around in the streets or in rivers which is running the environment. 

In Holly Morris’ blog she also spoke out about the Well-Being lecture. I liked how she also include her habits as also myself tend to buy from fast fashion brands. Every little choice we make can make a big impact towards businesses and the environment. I agree also on how it is definitely okay to wear an outfit more than twice, washing machines exist! As you can also begin to start being creative and think of ways you can style the same clothing different or even do some diy, creating a new piece out of old clothing. 

She also mentioned ways in which social responsibility could be included towards photography as she gave an example from “The Beautys Inside’, a magazine established in 2012;” 

Overall I love your final outcome and the work you have created. I like the through process and can see what she has learnt. You have thought well about the better lives topic and how it has an influences on you and others. 


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