Blog 3 (project outcome and personal development)

Upon completing my final project, I’ve come to find that this unit has really opened my mind about the fashion world. Id usually limit fashion to a series of subjects like, the design and production aspects of this unit has allowed me to explore the more important things in fashion; diversity, sustainability and social responsibility. All three subjects involve way more than just the people interested in fashion; it effects the world we live in.

Doing make up break down my main goal was to practice my skills and expand my knowledge on my skin and how to properly take care of it, thank you to Meena Bhella and Natsumi I was able to do more. I’ve also learned a lot about not only my skin but also working with other people and how every person is very different. I also surprised myself with what I was able to achieve with so little experience.

For me the hardest part of all this was not having the material to complete my work confidentially (due to the pandemic), a lot of the products we used in class were exclusive, for example one of the activities we had to create a look using adhesive glue, (something I didn’t own) so I did my researched and honey had the same effect. Another aspect of classes which helped me greatly with this unit was the diverse group we had for the class, when we would participate an activity we would be put in pairs, so every activity I practiced on a completely different face than the one prior. Every aspect of the face is unique, nationality and ethnicity play a big part of diversity and I believe this class allowed me to understand diversity more than any other I was offered.

Upon completing this project more than anything I learned, I realized the impact make up has on societies beauty standards and how much make up can change someone’s perception on how they look and feel. When conducting my final look for this project I was unhappy with the way I was looking due to being stuck indoors for a long amount of time, I was losing confidence in myself as I stopped taking care of myself the way I used to. But for this final look I felt motivated to create a look I that would make me feel like myself again. The final topic I chose was the colour chart, I’ve learned so much about how colour improves our lives. During the process up to the end of creating the look I transformed back into how I prefer to look, even after removing the make-up I realized I should treat myself and take more care of myself, and I have to the point where without any make up I’m happy with the way I look. Every person’s skin requires something specific; no two people require the same thing to have the same outcome. That’s something that a lot of people need to understand.

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