Blog 2- Themes Reflection Task

Having attended the lectures based on the Better Lives themes and done a project to further explore them, I have come to the conclusion that sustainability and diversity go hand in hand as the most important to me. By partaking in the project, I have been able to think about how I will implement these themes within my line of work in the future. 

When considering sustainability and how it will affect the way I work, I plan to make a conscious effort to only associate myself with brands that are environmentally considerate. Given what I know of my peers and their mentality, I think that brands in the future will be more sustainable as this is the kind of future we are moving towards. Already, I know brands to be making little changes such as using less packaging when posting and digital receipts. Hopefully, I will not have to worry too much about whether the brand I work with is sustainable or working to be more so. Similarly, I know other people of my generation to naturally be more inclusive, subconsciously. It is important that diversity is reflected through a respectful understanding and addressing of other cultures, races, beliefs, sexuality, gender etc. I want to be sure that all groups of people feel well represented, whether that’s through models they see or products made for the need of a niche group. 

To conclude, I want to make it my aim in the future, working within PR, to communicate brands in a way that portrays their ethical and moral values at the forefront. This will be by making their efforts within sustainability and diversity clear. 

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