blog 2 – diversity

The three focused themes in Better Lives, sustainability, social responsibility and diversity have always been topics that I wanted to take a look at; as these issues can’t be changed by one person only, I thought this opportunity would allow me to think of what impact that these ideas could bring in the society and also the changes that could be made together when small yet continuous movement occurs in fashion industry. I believe that these three main concepts are such powerful and important topics that should be addressed and be taught in the future as well. 

The one theme that I was particularly interested was diversity. The reason for this is because as I am a university student in London studying fashion public relations and communications, I have never seen this many people from such diverse backgrounds in London. Living in South Korea nor America has not given me this opportunity to explore different opinions and stories. However, one thing that I was surprised was that diversity in the fashion industry was still lying in an indefinite boundary, where the improvement for diversity was often taken as tokenism. From this unit, I was able to take away lots of informative information, but most importantly it has been a huge turning point for me to really think about what creative I would want to become in the future. 

One of the changes that I had personally during and after Better Lives was that I wanted to challenge myself and think about how I, as an individual, could encourage diversity as a young creative- make positive changes for future generations that will be facing these issues. 

Also, as a student that comes from a diverse background, I was always into looking at different perspectives and opinions made by the fashion brands and by media platforms. I believe that it is extremely important to respect and understand “diversity” as there were numerous cases in fashion that showed lack of diversity and respect towards minority. Even though there are continuous effort put in towards the idea of diversity in recent years, I believe that we still have a long way to go. It is vital for me to understand the different perspectives that people have, challenge myself to understand those differences, seek for positive changes that are still being made by minorities and the effort that are being put in in order to make such changes. Also, instead of having to only understand these ideas, I want to encourage these conversations between people and keep the industry going to the right direction.

Potter, Cher. (2020) “Perspectives” [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 14 February.

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