Blog 2

Before the start of the unit I was positive that most high street stores with a huge audience would be following these key themes in our unit. During the start of this course I attended several lectures discussing the themes of Better Lives which are Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Diversity and the lectures opened my eyes to the reality of fashion and it’s impact to the world. After the lecture discussing sustainability and it’s importance to Fashion I decided this was a theme I was going to base my project around and something I will alway try to meet during my future work as I believe this is something really important to fashion and its future.

I think sustainability is something that is extremely overlooked in fashion and shouldn’t be. Due to fast fashion brands being the most popular high street stores constantly restocking items and not being sustainable they are commuting to a unhealthy environment as these clothes that are cheaply made to be thrown away and replaced after one wash are ending up in wastelands which are harmful any nearby civilisation and the planet.

I believe that Sustainability is something I can really respond to and show in my project outcome as you can style outfits reusing object that would usually be thrown away or not used again. 

These themes have made me think a lot more on how I can work differently and make a difference.

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