Project outcome and reflection

Now that I have completed my chosen project, I have had the time to reflect on my ongoing progress and how the Better Lives’ themes have had an influence on the work I’ve created. 

As highlighted in my previous blog post, the current global situation has had a huge impact on how I will be working as a creative practitioner and what I have been able to produce in response to the project I’ve been working on for the past few weeks. Whilst studying contemporary portrait photography I had been assigned a few tasks to do at home, where I have captured a range of different portrait images involving inanimate objects and live subjects.

I will admit it was a challenge to provide so much in response to the tasks I was set, as my photographs would have been more interesting and diverse if I were able to go out as I please. However, this made me realise the beauty of the objects surrounding me in my own home and how resourceful I can be when put into an unprecedented situation. For example, I was able to create portraits of nature in my garden, a person who isn’t in the same house as me using FaceTime, and a self-portrait where I displayed one daily activity I do during quarantine. Although my work doesn’t explicitly respond to the Better Lives’ themes, it does portray a hint of diversity through the different images I took. I am also following the government’s advice on staying home to protect myself and others from Covid-19, which is socially responsible. Reflecting on my personal development, I think I could have been more aware of the Better Lives’ themes when working, as I feel like they didn’t play a part in my creative thinking. On another note, I have noticed that I have become more creative with the pictures that I take and what I do in order to capture them. 

In regard to making connections between the themes and my creative practice, I am currently in the process of my Collaborative practice unit, where I have to make a 10-page spread of images responding to the theme “A Life in a Day”. Without getting into too much detail, I am sure than I will be making connections to the theme of Sustainability somewhere throughout this unit, as working from home will require me to consider using recyclable products for my practice.

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