Bolg 04-Youyi Ding

After reading through lots of exciting posts from everyone else over the past few weeks, I would love to write about ‘Bronwynnn Ready’s post 3, Project Outcomes and Personal Development Reflection’. Bronwynnn said, “Due to the unpredictable circumstances in which we have landed in, I have since realised the fragility of the planet and the ways in which societies are inter-relate.”. I would say this is my favourite sentence, I immediately relate to COVID-19. As a vast, global chaotic virus starts from a few countries to a large group of publication. The virus crosses no matter what gender, what age, what’s your skin colour, even wealth or poor. It strictly affecting every human on this planet. And this is the time when we should realize how useless when humanity facing the natural that we used to thought we are ruling them, standing on the top of the pyramid. As the same time, I realize how important to understand social responsibility to each of us. As an artist (sometime I would assume myself as artists), I thought sustainability and social responsibility was something that I don’t have to consider deeply. However, during and after this virus I believe I have changed my thought deeply.

Back to the peer review, Bronwynnn’s outcome was a mask design consider to the “sustainability, diversity and social responsibly”(Bronwynnn,2020), she follows the newest and the most emergent situation, trying to make changes aesthetically and material of the masks. Although Bronwynnn was doing this design in a group way, however, they end to think and design individually. She being difficult due to those unfamiliar materials she has to choose, which during her research going deeper, she realizes been unknown to something is not always a bad thing, it can also improve yourself to desire more knowledge. After the research she chooses to design her mask digitally, this is also a new potential she discovers during this experience.

What I love about is Bronwynnn’s design aesthetically and what she has shown on her outcome combine her selfie (not sure) and her digital design. Bronwynnn design her mask like a fishhook mask, however, she left the space for eye and mouth so it won’t fully hide someone’s face. On the other hand, the curve of the fish looks very fluent which makes me interested in what material would be used for this. Secondly, she combined digital (her design) and reality (selfie) so that the customer would understand the look on wearing this mask, the size, the colour under the light and it would be the bast if Bronwynnn maybe can but the material sample on the side so that this final outcome image would be much more clear and interesting.
However, if I must give some advice I would recommend Bronwynnn to combine with AR (Augmented Reality) such as make a face filter or 3D real-life visual outcome. And also I would consider more about the practicality use as a mask for the situation right now. Base on the design, maybe we can add something to protect the face from the outside, or maybe this mask can give out a special gas to clean the air around us so that we don’t have to wear any protection but we still can go out safely with this fantastic mask.


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