Blog Post 4 – Peer review

After reading through some posts on the Better Lives Blog, I chose to write my peer review on Sadikchaya Gurungs’s post on how the unit lectures might change her work in the future. As a student who is more familiar with the issues of sustainability it was inspiring for me to read a post of someone laying her focus on diversity. Besides, I was really interested in a peer’s point of view who does not study the same nor chose the same Better Lives topic as I did.

In her first paragraph, the part when she mentions how diversity “is one of the most essential factors in fashion” inspired me the most. Sadikchaya explains how it does not make sense to her that a lack of representation in terms of different body types, skin colour or sexuality is still reality.

I fully agree with her on this point. Growing up in a small village in Germany, diversity was only a slight part of my life. Everyone looked the same where ever I went. Therefore, I decided to move to London.

Another surprising aspect was that “Aaron Philip, the first black, trans, disabled model” was “signed to Elite Model Management 2 years” ago. This is definitely a step in the right direction, but being black, trans or disabled is not an invention of the last five years. I like how she supports her statement with interesting facts to underline the necessity of diversity.

In her second paragraph, she talks about the negative stigma of people buying “dirty clothes” in charity shops when she was younger. Therefore, she never thought of shopping second hand, because she was scared of other people’s opinions. It’s sad how prejudices prevent people from shopping sustainable or having a positive impact on their environment in general. 

Better Lives and the Fashion Styling and Production lectures changed her mind towards sustainability, she writes. By using sustainable fabric or collaborating with a sustainable brand or designer her creative outcome can remain the same in terms of diversity, but in a more environmentally conscious approach. 

In my opinion it’s exciting to see how future creative directors will shape the fashion industry in a socially responsible and sustainable way.

In conclusion, I definitely agree with Sadikchaya Gurungs’s blogpost. From my perspective, she has explained her position very well. By mentioning interesting facts, she supports her statement and underlines the value of her message. For me it was very appealing to read a post from someone with a completely different state of mind.

Sadikchaya Gurungs’s post:

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