Blog Post 4

After reading through some of the amazing blogs that have been posted by fellow students over the past few weeks, I came across ‘Daniele Facciuto’s Blog 2: Themes Reflection.’ Instantaneously what grabbed my attention was how this student not only explained and reflected on the key themes surrounding better lives but how this has helped and effected their personal life, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Daniele’s ‘Blog post 2’ he talks about the theme of Social Responsibility and how difficult it has been trying to navigate and complete assignments with ‘limited spaces, materials and resources’ which is a hurdle that every student has encountered during these unusual times however, Daniele goes on to say how they have tried to navigate and overcome this problem in relation to completing their fashion photography assignments with the help of friends and the readily made technology we have access too instantly (Facetime.) He touches on how the ‘Better lives’ theme of social responsibility have been one of the most relevant topics over this unit because we have all had to take responsibility in ‘not leaving our homes’ and trying to find ways to adapt and complete our work effectively.

Daniele then goes on to write about one of his favourite themes ‘Sustainability’ because of their personal research into this topic and Daniele has already been writing about sustainability in an issue of ‘MESS MAGAZINE, Sustainable x Conscious.’ He goes onto write about how he does not buy from high street shops anymore and usually buys in second hand stores, this way of thinking is also something I can relate to personally and also try to do in my daily life, the theme of sustainability is one of the most important in our modern day world and every individual should always be trying to think of ways we can help to better and improve mass consumerism because of its effect on the planet, even if it’s as simple as looking into buying second hand rather than from multinational chain stores.

If I had to comment on one thing it would be that Daniele maybe could have touched upon the theme of Diversity more in their blog post, but I think that overall they wrote an absolutely fantastic blog post and explained the better lives themes of social responsibility and sustainability thoroughly, coherently and developed their understanding further by relating to it in a personal way, which allows the reader to fully understand how current the better livers themes are, and as students have effected all of us in multiple different ways. Finally after reading numerous blog posts I felt overall reassured that my feelings and emotions during this COVID-19 pandemic were not alone, it’s amazing to read about how other fellow students are finding ways to cope and in relation to the better lives themes acknowledging ways we can help to improve our overall understanding on these themes. References Facciuto, D. (2020) ‘Reflection on Better Lives Themes for Better Lives SMC, University Arts London. Unpublished.

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