Blog 3 – Project Outcomes and Personal Reflection

Throughout the project stage of the Better Lives unit, I participated in two styling masterclasses on the ‘Sportswear: Inside and Outside Fashion’ course. The first was done physically in person before the Easter break, and the second took place over Microsoft Teams.

The two styling masterclass experiences were very different from one another considering the circumstances. In the physical masterclass, we created three different looks which related to the Better Lives themes of diversity; social responsibility; and sustainability. We were also asked to focus on a specific sub-culture and our group chose to go with the 90s rave scene. Therefore, in our styled looks, we used a lot of bright colours and exaggerated silhouettes to evoke a vintage ravey feel. By working with other students, we reached a finalised look by using all of our ideas and garments combined. This made the styled looks very diverse and exciting in my opinion.

However, after the Easter break due to coronavirus lockdown, we had to conduct the second masterclass over the internet on Microsoft Teams. We were given a brief and then two hours to create our looks that related to exercising at home during the lockdown. It was a great experience to be able to use my own clothes that have personal significance to me to create a whole new look. Using this free rein, I decided to focus my mind on the idea of emulating a football casual, but with a more active twist. This allowed me to respond personally to my lockdown experience through the use of styling. 

Personally, I enjoyed the physical masterclass more as the atmosphere of the studio allowed all of us to be more creative together. Whilst I did enjoy the freedom to make a look that was one hundred percent my own in the digital masterclass, the physicality of the first one made the whole experience feel more professional, allowing me to see what a stylist’s life might actually look like. 

I was glad to be able to experience both, however, as it has given me another faucet of communication through styling to consider. Throughout both masterclasses, I learnt a lot from my lecturers’ expertise on how to style fashioned bodies and how to use ordinary clothes in extraordinary and unorthodox ways.

Over the past four weeks, I have realised wholeheartedly the social responsibility that stylists and journalists carry on their shoulders in both the fashion industry and the media world alike. In using our styled looks to think about the Better Lives themes, I noticed that many barriers still exist in the representation of diverse genders­­­­ in the media, and also the lack of sustainable materials being used or favoured by producers and consumers. Stylists and journalists have the ability to make anything fashionable and desirable, giving them immense power. For this reason, we have to take more care with our communication, whether it be in clothes or in words, because we can change the fashion industry as the new up-and-coming professionals. I think that Better Lives has taught me to shift the focus of my future career from success in the capitalist notion to success in terms of social and moral responsibility.

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