Blog 3

For this project we had to work around the story Hansel and Gretel. We had to pick a character and begin to explore and design them. 

For research we were also able to visit the British museum. This helped us to consider the different cultures also as we visited many of the different rooms. When it comes to culture appropriation asa designer you should be aware of these things. 

I learnt ways in which research can help create images of your character. It can be like if you like the spirit of your character for example or it can be about the clothes or garments that you want to capture with the character. 

It is good to look around at your environment and see what you can use this also helps ways in which you can be sustainable. You could even use second hand clothing and create something totally different and “new”. 

When it comes to creating a character  you can create collages where you can begin to play with the scale and also the surreal.  

Our task was to create a collage of our chosen character. 

As I am doing the witch, when I think of that character I see her with candy so I decided to include old candy wrappers and work with them in my collage. It would be sustainable by using old used candy wrappers for example 

We explored people like Ralph koltai  where we could see different examples of images using different shapes. He created his own papers and patterns and resembling them into collages. It would be good to learn how to be aware of your surrounds as you can find so many inspirations. 

As also what is happening now with covid-19 people have also found ways in you can stay at home and still be creative. You start to find ways in which you can make your time go by fast. Loads of brands has also been moving towards online as most people are not going outside, so things such as online shopping just of increased a lot. 

Overall I this project help me explore more ways of thinking and also creating a character. It was good to try something different which I normally don’t do like creating designing a character. It would be good to continue with these new skills I have learnt.  When it comes to the topics of diversity, social responsibility and sustainability we have a choice to make a change. Everything we do and the decisions we make can make a huge impact. This can come down from choices such as buying from fast fashion brands, choosing to reuse old clothings. When it comes to diversity it is about making everyone feel welcomed no matter their background making sure to not offended or use a culture just for buyers for example.

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