blog post 2

How might it change my work in the future. 

Navigating through clothing.

This really opened me up towards ways in which I can be sustainable and think of the responsibilities you have as a creative fashion student. 

Starting this unit you begin to become more aware of these themes and find ways in which you can change the fashion industry. 

I am a hair and make-up for fashion student for this would also help me find ways in which I can also create characters in my work, show and learn about diversity. Also when it comes to makeup there are still companies that don’t have foundation for darker tones or even know how to work around different hair types. It would be good if people became more aware of the different culture and included more poc. 

For navigating through clothing we got the chance to visit the National Theater. I was able to see the different types of clothing and fabrics they used and also how they created it.  It was nice to see how the thought process went. 

This better lives unit should help more people to get an understanding on the fashion industry and also ways in which we can help shape it for the better. 

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