BLOG TASK 4: Reflections on your peers’ work using the Better Lives themes as a framework for analysis (see Moodle for framework).

Among all my peer’s works, I decided to analyse and reflect on Daniele Facciuto’s blogs. The reason behind this choice has to do with the fact that he, through all his four posts, has opened very good discussion about the Better Lives themes of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility and that some of them shared my same point of view. 

Starting from his first blog, Daniele has made some interesting reflections on the introductory lecture “Power” by Julia Crew. I was really captured by his debate about how current fashion can influence and determine our personalities through the power of media and the communication.  As conclusion of this deliberation he then suggests that society should review the role and the importance attributed to some influencers in order to encourage all of us to express our own identity, which I totally agree. Moreover, what I also have found close to my personal view was his sensitivity regarding important causes such as the urgence of big industries to become more sustainable and ethical fair towards their employee.

Then, thanks to the progression of the other blogs, I have been able to analyse Daniele’s approach to his project. Unlike me, he has chosen fashion photography as it has always been part of his inclinations. It was an encouragement reading of how he has found my same difficulties in practice for the development of his work due to the lockdown. For this reason, he has decided to take picture of his best friends by facetime and in addition to that he has been able to capture all their different epitomes. So even in his case the power of the creativity has triumphed and made him realise that we do not necessarily need many tools to achieve good results. Therefore, his example demonstrates how our social responsibility, which encourage us not to leave home for irrelevant reason, has become really strong.

Daniele ,like everyone else, has been affected by this delicate moment of the human history, which in our cases sees us also away from our families. But he, like many of my peers, through the power of his words has demonstrated how today it is important to be focused and socially responsive. Therefore, he is the proof that our modern generation is capable to think about a better future and that one day it will really contribute at changing things which are today affecting negatively our planet’s destiny.

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