BLOG TASK 2: Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change how you work in the future

In a time period which sees us locked in our places in order to stay safe from a disease which is killing the lives of million people, it is very natural and easy to keep going with some reflections about the Better Live’s main themes.  As all of my friends and my peers could testify, because of the very little resources available to us, we are lately finding very hard discovering practical solutions to daily tasks which before would have been executed in an easier way. But is this really a very bad thing? Although it looks like a very complicated adventure, so far from our mindsets, this should be a chance for us to use our creativity in a very sustainable way and to be conscious in everything we decide to do.

Therefore, looking also outside the box, this all could lead us to build a deeper and bigger sense of responsibility towards our society and also our planet. Speaking of this, we can tell we have already won a big challenge as we are all staying home and we are respecting social distances and above all we have some heroes out there who are hardly working in order to save people’s lives. This is indeed the right moment to show the world some kindness and tolerance and mostly to be active in a delicate episode of the history where all human beings need to stand by each other.

So I think this unit’s themes suit perfectly this period and in addition it could help us build a different way to approach to our future’s projects and adversities.In fact It will surely contribute to make us even more judgmental when one day we will step the fashion industry’s doors and we will realise that many things are not so perfect as they appeared in our biggest dream and also it will excite our creativity when we find ourselves in certain contexts where there is a lack of essential resources. 

Thanks to these dialogues we will demand and we will aim for more concreteness if ever our bosses ask us to run social campaign about diversity, sustainability and social responsibilities which today unfortunately are for many people just key words to remember in order to stay updated with our world.  And not only, we will embrace them in our social lives, contributing within our community and largely towards our planet , trying to reduce useless wastages and always trying to be unselfish and sympathetic especially regarding those who today are struggling and trying to do their best to save our planet’s fate.

This is the right time to completely remove what is really toxic from our environment and to be substantially realistic when brining solutions for the immediate future. We subconsciously already know what to do, we just need to be brave and let our creative minds build a better life prospective. 

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