Blog Post 2 Ryan Lewis

Sustainability, Diversity, and Social responsibility are the key themes that should be on everyone’s minds when thinking about fashion. The lectures that I attended intended to teach more about these themes and widen our knowledge. As fashion is one of the leading polluting industries in the world it is imperative that I and others should start incorporating these themes within our work if we aren’t already. Diversity could be incorporated in my field of work by choosing a range of models from different backgrounds. Being in the styling sector of fashion, sustainability could be shown by using brands that are sustainably and ethically friendly. I have always been interested in sustainable brands but progressing through this unit we have touched upon how important this is within the industry. Although this may be on some people’s minds, there are still many major brands that have not adjusted to these themes. Diversity is something that should be thought about in all industries as well as fashion because everyone deserves the chance to be portrayed in a positive way. The key problems are being touched upon by the industry more and more by thinking about race, gender, sexual preference, sexual orientation, and more. Social responsibility fits perfectly with the other two themes as all three themes combined would progress the industry into brighter times. I definitely will incorporate all key themes into my work and make sure sustainable brands are being used in the process and using a wide range of models and not only representing a small minority of people. I enjoyed learning about these themes more in-depth and everyone who is involved within fashion should integrate these into their work. Being a stylist opens up a wide audience and by showing that the job is still effective still while using these themes will hopefully inspire more people to include sustainability, diversity, and social responsibility within their work. 

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