Blog 4 Review a Peers Work

I have chosen to review the third blog post from Vittoria Del Balzo titled, ‘Blog 3 Projects Reflection’.  Vittoria, like myself was on the Make Up Breakdown project and I was curious to find out another student’s reflections on the project.

From the start of the blog post I was reassured that Vittoria also found it difficult at first to find the link of our project to the Better Lives themes.

As Vittoria explains during the process of the classes, we were switched to learning online, ‘during these difficult times’. This made the process of learning slightly more difficult and we were forced to choose resources available to us at home.  Everyone, she tells us adapted to the change very well and produced some outstanding work.  This, she describes, led her to thinking of the sustainable theme. Students were able to produce very powerful work. This was completed by being resourceful with what was available to them in their home environments and they responded extremely well to the challenge specified.

Our writer explains to us, the reader, how she developed her look by using feathers, black marker and tape. This took me back to a programme I used to watch on television when I was younger called, ‘Blue Peter’!  By just using three simple materials she was able to create a very effective look and she learnt so much from this process.  This, she felt, was being sustainable.

Vittoria also feels that a strong theme that became clear in our classes was diversity. The students work was intriguing and beautiful and the writer goes on to describe one student’s work who captured her look by using balloons and gift wrap ribbon attached to her body and face.

My only criticism of Vittoria’s reflection is that she hasn’t quite realised the link between our topic and the Better Lives theme of being socially responsible.  I myself, found this difficult to link.  I think the only way I could link being socially responsible to the topic is to go back to our first lesson in make-up breakdown and think about what we were told about using ethical products, for example, the ‘Weleda’ and ‘Dr Paw paw’ brands.  This was only a small point made in one of our lessons. I am also slightly disappointed that she didn’t add some photographs of her work as I know from seeing her project outcome that it was a delicate but powerful piece of work.

In conclusion, I feel that Vittoria’s reflections on our class is a true descriptive report of what occurred during our topic.  Vittoria has drawn the reader in with her depiction and I found myself agreeing strongly with what was being explained. I am also in agreement with her that having a chance to put the Better Lives themes into action has increased our awareness and made us realise the diversity amongst the London College of Fashion community.

The link to Vittoria’s Blog is:

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