Blog 4: Peer Reflection

I instantly really liked how you mentioned that you are sustainable in everyday life by sourcing clothing items through second hand means. This would mean that you already have an understanding of the importance of being resourceful and not wasteful especially in today’s age. Seeing how you also source said clothing items for your styling practice in a sustainable manner is really inspirational as I think there can sometimes be a misconception that when it comes to styling we need to use designer items fresh out the store but that shouldn’t be the case. I also liked how you defined the theme sustainability within a fashion context as not letting fast fashion take over. This is so significant especially with the likes of brands such as Boohoo or Pretty Little Thing who are so influential across social media platforms when it comes to promoting cheap clothes that have not been made ethically. This is inspiring as it makes people want to be different and source elsewhere.

Mentioning how you plan on actively looking to change who you cast to be a model for your styling shoots shows the want to be open minded which would make many happy as they have a chance to have the light shun on them if that has never been an option.  Working in a team where everyone is different is also inspiring as it again shows open mindedness and should be a reflection of how all our generation aim to work as too in order to be the change that is needed in not only the fashion industry but the media and others too.

 It was gripping to read about how you planned to engage more with social issues in order to fulfill the theme of social responsibility. This in the context of the world and its situations is bright as it means people facing said issues feel protected and looked after as someone out there cares and wants to bring their situation and those of others to light in order to encourage change. This is an angle I had not considered when reflecting on the themes in my own blog as I mainly focused on how it would be my social responsibility to shed light on ethnic minorities and those who are discriminated against as opposed to relevant social topics. This definitely opened my eyes too.

Overall, I felt you had a great understanding of the themes and their importance.

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