Better lives blog post 3 – Mask making

For the better lives individual project, I chose to learn about mask making.

Within the mask making project I was taught the basics history of masks, how to make them and more. After that I was given the actual project for the mask making course, which was to create a mask inspired by a political event.

The political event I chose to focus on was the coronavirus. As it was slowly taking the nation by storm,  I found that the majority of people started to wear masks to protect themselves from the virus, however it wasn’t long before the masks they used, ran out in shops, which resulted in people taking it upon themselves to create their own types of mask out of desperation. Which showed the extreme lengths that most people would go to, to protect themselves. However I found it weird how little attention people really paid to theses mask, As even if that person was infected or not they would still go so close to them not taking into consideration personal space and how easily the virus can spread. From this I wanted to create a mask that reinforced personal space, along with notifying people that the person wearing the mask is infected. In the end I came up with a dead bloated face mask, which was greatly inspired by the plague doctors mask, The dead bloated face masks would almost scare people into not coming near along with telling people that the wearer of the mask is infected, and just like the plague doctor mask which had lavender in the long beak area (said to prevent the wearer from getting the plague) my mask would have herbs and vitamin C in some areas of the mask which is said to help fight the virus.

Before the pandemic, I quite enjoyed making the mask at Lime grove out of clay, It was a very therapeutic and fun experience to actually make your piece and vision come to life. However when the pandemic took over, the mask making brief was slightly changed, instead of thinking rationally about materials that we have and could use for example my mask was going to be made from vacuumed sealed plastic, we could now think outside of the box, and use materials like glass, wood, fiberglass and more, as our design would now be conceptual. However my idea pretty much stayed the same, but giving it some more thought and using what I’ve learnt these past few weeks from the better lives lectures, focusing on sustainability, diversity and social responsibility, I think it’d be a great idea to use a more sustainable material to make my product out of, like from the rubbish that has bombarded the sea turning it into a dangerous mess for sea life, Or by using Materials locally sourced from other countries used to make objects that identify their culture.   

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