Blog 4 – Peer Review

For my peer review I chose to write about Kaylee-Rose Payne’s first blog post about the Power lecture, as this was the same lecture, I chose to write about for mine and I thought it would be interesting to see another person’s viewpoint on it. 

            I found the points she made really interesting, as I’ve never really put much thought into the role that social media has over us as consumers. I definitely agree that influencers have a certain kind of hold on us, but the amount of money the industry is worth definitely shocked me. This is also scary as it just adds to the fact that the fashion industry is just so unfair in terms of money and wages etc. as influencers are getting paid however much to promote big brands, giving them more publicity and money, only for the workers who are actually making the clothes to not get any change in their pay or unfair working conditions. She definitely used facts and statistics well to back up her points.

            I think this is also something she definitely did well when talking about sustainability as it made it very interesting to read. Sustainability is definitely an important topic now and this is definitely something I thought a lot about when watching the lecture. It’s insane to think how badly people are being treated in order for people like us to be able to continually buy clothes when we don’t actually need them. I think what’s refreshing to hear in most people’s blog posts that I’ve read – not just Kaylee’s – is how people are now wanting to make a change in their own lifestyles in order to better benefit the planet and other people’s quality of life. 

            Kaylee and I came to the same conclusion that consumers hold the power in this supply chain and therefore we are the ones who have to make the first steps towards change in order to implement change in bigger areas. I think her ending to the blog post nicely summarised everything up and gave her concluding thoughts on the subjects she has spoken about. Overall, I think it was really well written and definitely reflected well on the Better Lives themes.  

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