Blog 3: Reflections on how the Better Lives themes have influenced your project outcome and your personal development
I had discovered through In & Outside of Fashion: Sportswear Fashion Language & sub-cultures that diversity is the heart of styling. The class gave me examples of expressions of different identities by using clothing and work on the bodies. Decorating the bodies gives the society a visual definition of who you are. Different people has different background. Which It is something to celebrate. People should respect the each other identity. Without any judgment or racism. To bring in peace and harmony to the society.
The class listed subcultures from British and American history. Which are very interesting. It shows diversities of races, cultural backgrounds and ethos. Which inspired me to create many interesting styling looks. Along with the knowledge I have learned from the tutor in this unit. I create this final outcome inspired from Korean pop music culture and sportswear. Many pop girl group in the industry out fit was inspired from sportswear, especially the ‘tennis skirt’. For example, Red Velvet, BLACKPINK and I.O.I. This became a trend when the fandom adopted the style. This group of subculture who are interested in Korean pop music often make dance covers of their favourite bands as well. I decided to associate the style with Chanel. Based on the lecture I was given in this unit, “The word “sportswear” first appears in the early 1900s to describe clothes for skiing, bathing, and boating. By the 1920s, haute couture designers like Claire McCardell and Coco Chanel” (B. Peterson, 2015). This will emphasise the idea of sportswear as well as promoting the new definition of femininity by Coco Chanel. She was the iconic leader in new style of women. The result from each elements that I have learnt is this Chanel editorial shoot.
I choose to use this subculture to create my outcome because of diversity. I have seen the same subcultures presented in lectures at the university and I feel that I should introduce a new subculture by the work I produced. To show that there are many other identities out there in the world. Which they are created everyday. To remind on the topic of diversity that it has no boundaries and it is gifted to be sharing the pride of identities to each other. word-for-comfortable-relationship/xjNhQYb7MVL78GpA9QWzsJ/story.html
3rd May 2020 @ 7:25 pm
I read all the blog posts by Cha-Arbha Jarusombat and I was impressed with the final design concept of K-pop inspired by sportswear and the point that Cha stated about diversity being the essence of styling. I think that was a valid observation. I am very fond of the themes relating to youth subcultures and history and sportswear in general. It was interesting to see how Cha incorporated and envisioned Chanel to be associated with this segment of this particular youth subculture and sportswear. I particularly liked the motivation behind choosing Chanel and K-pop. I agree with Cha’s point about diversity and the exchange of cultural identities within Fashion. I like the images that Cha has created and would have loved to see more of it. Cha has focused on inclusivity and diversity. The choice of the final concept and the first blog post about inclusion are on the same wavelength, and I see a passion for the subject. I agree with the idea of embracing different cultures and identities to live harmoniously so we can set an example for our future generations. Laura’s lecture has been one of my favorites too. As Cha points out that the implication about people with disabilities being different from ‘normal’ questionable, I think that is such a remarkable statement. I also agree that Fashion is a visual translation of your identity to society. I would have loved to know what other lectures inspired Cha besides inclusion.