Blog 3 – Projects Reflection

Throughout this Better Lives unit, I struggled to find the connection between the themes of the unit and my better lives project: Makeup. Even though to this day I am still uncertain I have found a way to connect sustainability to the work we are doing in my project class. During these difficult times, we have had to start online classes instead of physically going into university and therefore we have had to adapt to the resources we have access to in our homes. During my first online class, we were given two hours to create two makeup looks; one linked to a fashion mistake and one linked to imperfections. At first, I was rather startled as I had no makeup in my family home but when I started thinking more outside the box I found myself looking for reusable materials around the house. For example for my imperfection look, I used 2 feathers, that I had bought years ago for a party, some tape and a black marker. With these three simple materials, I was able to complete the task by creating an incredibly powerful makeup look. After my class I found myself thinking of how much I had learned. Instead of using materials that I would then throw away, I tried to adjust myself to my surroundings and go from there. I learned that there are many ways that you can create something beautiful by still being sustainable and conscious. When we had to share our final outcomes I was blown away by my peer’s looks and how they, like me, used completely sustainable materials and adjusted themselves to the circumstance. Another very strong theme that was present in this project lesson was diversity. All of our looks told a different story. None of us created a similar look. We all came up with diverse and intriguing ideas which made the whole concept even more beautiful. One-piece that specifically left me speechless was this girl that created a look by attaching balloons of different sizes and colors as well as party confetti wrapped around her neck and lips. I found it a very playful way of creating a makeup look without using any makeup at all. Again by being sustainable and using things that she found around the house. I think that Diversity and sustainability are the two themes that are the most present in my Better Lives project. Putting these themes in action has opened my eyes and made me realize how vast and diverse the community within LCF is.

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