Bolg 03-YouyiDing

Navigating Through Clothing

The character I choose to design for the story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ is Gretel. In my imagination Gretel should at least change two costumes, I want to design the second scene. 

The first costume is during the time she with her family members, they are poor and her step-mother don’t like Gretel and her brother to stay with them any longer. So during this time, Gretel may look haggard and pale, wearing shabbily or raggedly costume. 

The second costume should be when Gretel and Hansel walk into the witch’s house, the witch gives them a new bed and fancy things to make Gretel and Hansel stay, it may be not necessary but I think if Gretel in this scene can change her costume into beautiful dress given by the witch but Hansel didn’t change, in a performance way this can show the difference between Gretel and Hansel that one is naive, one is more cautious. On the other hand, it is better to change her costume because the second costume can prove her characteristic more through costume because she doesn’t have as many lines to speak as Hansel. Also when Gretel courage herself to kill the witch, the changes inside herself compare with the outfit on her could show her growth, she is not a little girl that only knows how to cry. 

Why I choose Gretel & What character I want to show on her costume:

I choose Gretel because I think she has more potential than Hansel as a character. During the story, I can see Gretel from a helpless girl who needs her bother to settle everything, to a smart girl that brave enough using her weakness overcome dangerously. 

I want to design her costume in Pantomime Dame. On the costume, I want to add desserts and sweets to show the dress is come from the witch, with European style dressing. The whole will be inspired by the Lolita culture (not sure yet). The rabbit pattern will also on the dress as her ideal animal.

What I have learned from this Better Lives:

My style of arranging any works, I like to add a narrative or an imagined story. During this better lives section, although we lost lots of classes but still during my research I learned how to make a character living inside with the story, and how to understand a character. I believe these help me to be more comfortable with any of my future work because I can make my character more realistic that my audience would involve more empathy into.

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