Blog 2

Diversity, social responsibility and sustainability are the main themes that I have learned from Better lives lecture over a few weeks. As a PR and communication student, I think it is quite important to know these three elements and to incorporate with them for my work in the future.

Inclusivity is a really important topic nowadays in society. People started to respect the different ethnic group and being or diverse. And because of the environmental awareness, people started to realize how the fashion industry has created many damage and waste of the resources on the Earth. Customers started to refuse to buy fast fashion product and live in a more eco-friendly way, such as bringing their bags when they go shopping or paying more attention to the material, which the brand used for produce the product. Therefore, many brands and designers started to be more responsible for the environment.

I chose to study Navigating Through Clothing for Better lives course. In this course, we have learned about different texture and fabric. When we visit the National Theater, I saw many different textures of the costume and how they designed it for the stage. I got more information on how important the material is for making a costume. Therefore, for my final project, I might think of some recyclable fabric for designing the project. 

After those lectures, I will not forget how diversity, social responsibility and sustainability are important roles nowadays. When I do work, I will focus more on those themes and pay more attention to that related news.

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