Themes reflection

The lectures tackling the issues on sustainability, diversity and social responsibility have allowed me to think about I am going to apply this to my chosen degree subject.

Through studying 3D effects for performance and fashion I was certainly aware of the themes within better lives, however, through the further attention of these lectures, they have opened my eyes more to how much diversity, social responsibility and sustainability is applied to this industry and the lack of awareness they may have, highlighting the importance of this unit.

The topics I believe have held most value and importance for me and my specific degree subject is social responsibility and sustainability, specifically the lecture on collaboration lead by Claire swift and the lecture on sustainability and society lead by Katelyn Toth-Fejel. Both these lectures tackle the importance of working with others and working in a sustainable way in which we can produce a successful outcome in what we are creating.

A Quote by Babble, Earl R. (2011) “If one wants to change society, one needs to understand the logic of how it operates” really stuck with me whilst listening to Katelyn’s lecture as it emphasizes the importance of altering and tackling the ways in which we work in order to help sustain society and make our own contribution to the environment. This lecture highlighted that 75-90% of resources and waste would need to be reduced in order to make these significant changes in order to decrease the risk of significant climate changes, concluding that sustainable solutions will only succeed if they address the environmental, economic and societal conditions.  I find this information important when it comes to applying it to various aspects of the arts industry, there needs to be further attention and emphasis made on the use of sustainable products and materials, and I believe that this is becoming more prominent within the arts industry.

Whilst studying 3D effects I believe that I am already working in a sustainable way. However, as these points are further highlighted in these lectures, it has opened my eyes in different ways and I will apply further attention into using recycled products, reusing and returning products where it is appropriate. This information is also incredibly important whilst studying my chosen topic within the better lives unit, Developing a character. Due to the similarity of these two courses, these lectures also alerted me to importance of checking and researching into the sustainability of the products being used, especially when it comes to using products that is physically applied to a client.

After listening to these lectures, and further reflecting on them in light of the current situation relating to COVID-19, we will face challenges and big adjustments within not only my chosen industry in 3D effects, but the arts industry as a whole in using sustainable products and ensuring they are safe to the environment and the client itself. This highlights the importance of these lectures now more than ever in educating us on these topics and gaining a new outlook on how we tackle these issues.

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