Blog 2 – Themes Reflection

In these uncertain times, I think it is more important than ever to keep the themes of diversity, inclusivity, and especially social responsibility in mind as they have become increasingly important over the course of the past few weeks. 

            Moving forward, these themes will definitely change how I work in the future as we have now seen the consequences of people refusing to take social responsibility into consideration during this global pandemic, putting other people’s lives at risk and prolonging the effects that are being held on the rest of us. 

            In addition, with the uncertainty of the future of the fashion industry, I think it is also important to reflect on where these issues weren’t being attended to properly while we have the time in order to create more positive changes in an industry that arguably does the most damage on our planet. Sustainability has been a rising topic of conversation over the past few years, but now as the Earth is slowly healing as a result of lowered human activity it is important for people to think about the changes they will be making in order to keep the Earth healthy upon the return of normal life. I think big brands need to also take into consideration the immense contribution they have on the denial of the planet and take some steps to reduce their footprint. 

            As a media student, I will definitely take into consideration these themes as I don’t think they are talked about enough, or in a way that people will actually listen. I think taking into consideration how I can do my work to better impact how these themes are portrayed is a good first step. Diversity especially is an immense issue still within media practices with not enough minority groups being represented. This is still the case for runways and ad campaigns. 

            By choosing to do Fashion Journalism for the duration of Better Lives I have now recognised different ways in which these topics can influence my work moving forward.

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