Better lives blog post 2 – Impact of Better lives lectures on my courses

Throughout the whole two weeks of watching lectures I‘ve learnt many things which I’ve stated in my first blog post, And as a Hair, makeup and prosthetics for performance student I believe these lectures and what I’ve learnt from them will greatly improve my work and ideas.

The knowledge that I have learnt can be applied to my course through many ways, for example.

Within makeup for performance I will need to work on a range of different people portraying  theatrical ideas through makeup by creating character designs and much more, However with the knowledge I’ve gained from the Culture studies lecture, I now have a better understanding that I shouldn’t Just stick to the norms of what my culture has taught me and sees as a stereotype, for example If I was to create a character design for a witch, My cultural stereotype portrays a witch as having Green skin, a long nose, multiple moles, a broomstick, cat and more, Which isn’t the same for other people’s cultures. Some cultures teach people that a witch looks like an everyday normal person, with a beautiful appearance instead of an ugly one.

Therefore, widening my culture and looking into other people’s cultures, by researching and understanding them will help shape my character designs making them culturally diverse.

As for the Nature lecture, when using different makeup products, like lipsticks, mac foundation, blush and more I could look more into where these products came from and how they were made, to see if I could find a more sustainable and more environmentally friendly alternative. Taking consideration for the environment and finding alternative options will help make my products last longer as the materials and ingredients used to make my product won’t have to abuse where it has come from, which links back to what I took from the culture studies lecture.

“However, what I took from this lecture was the sustainability of our culture and how if we stop using one thing like makeup for example something else would be used in it’s place therefore continuing a cycle, we’re already in.”

Therefore, even if I opt for a more environmentally friendly makeup alternative, it still won’t stop the cycle of something else being used in its place. For example, some makeup brands use Carmine in their lipsticks and blush products which is a bright red dye made from crushed scale insects, typically cochineal or Polish cochineal insects. If this product were substituted with something else to make it more environmentally friendly and sustainable that product would then be used and abused just like the crushed insects used for lipsticks and blushes.

However, even though this cycle will constantly change and continue, hopefully it will become a better cycle as it will be less damaging to the environment.

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